Comment 121188

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted April 10, 2017 at 13:01:45

Here are so more facts. On Saturday April 8, Grand River Transit had a little open house so people could visit their LRT Operations, Maintenance and Storage Facility and see the first of 14 Light Rail Vehicles. The place opened to the public at 1 pm, by 2:30 pm the line was 200 metres long and required you to wait 30+ minutes to get in. In total 2670 people came to see a LRV that was stationary and which the public won't be able to ride for many, many months! I'm glad so many people in the Waterloo Region came out and got to see something that, Jim C doesn't want Hamilton to have and said in the past that, "people would have no interest in" and would be "wasteful spending", considering the high debt levels of the province of Ontario. I pleased to see so many in Waterloo didn't agree with Jim C. I think Hamilton will be the same as Waterloo when it gets to see its LRV's for the first time!

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