Comment 121157

By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted April 08, 2017 at 04:35:35 in reply to Comment 121144

"Economic development benefits." Any benefits you foresee are pure speculation. You can't use that as an argument for LRT. LRT is a transit system. It gets people to and from their destination. Trying to say that there will be economic spin offs is beyond the scope of a transit system. Besides, every time the government has promised "economic benefits" they've failed to deliver: NAFTA, globalism, bailing out big banks and corporations. Look just at Hamilton: Council destroyed the core to build Jackson Square and we're only recovering now. And it's been the people driving the recovery; not the government. Regardless, enough speculation about $$$; this is a train not a lottery ticket or stock portfolio. If you can't sell LRT as a solution to a *transit* problem then you'll never sell it. Guess that's why I'm not buying. It doesn't solve a problem with the HSR which currently works well and is experiencing declining ridership. The current B-Line provides better service than the proposed LRT. As pointed out in several comments on The Spec: show me how a trip from Lake and King in Stoney Creek to University plaza is easier and faster on the LRT as opposed to the B-Line and maybe I'll change my mind. Edit: spelling.

Comment edited by JimC on 2017-04-08 04:37:00

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