Comment 121150

By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted April 07, 2017 at 16:49:28

"If I cannot plan a child's birthday party without going over time and over budget, I certainly cannot expect a $1 billion infrastructure and transit project to be any different."

Ya lost me. So you're saying you're okay if it goes over budget? First off, Metrolinx is only committed to $1 billion. It can't go over budget according to the MOA. Instead, Metrolinx will reduce the scope of the project. The scope ladder has not been made public. So if it goes over budget by $1 billion it will run from Dundurn to Mac. Secondly, when you personally go over budget on your kid's birthday party by $20 that doesn't affect me. When the Ontario government, which is already $317 billion in debt, goes over budget on a project that they sold Hydro One to fund then, yeah, that's a major problem.

Comment edited by JimC on 2017-04-07 16:49:56

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