Comment 12115

By Frank (registered) | Posted September 27, 2007 at 08:53:41

I tend to agree with Rick. I used to work in Niagara on the Lake and went the reverse of the majority of traffic but it is very congested during morning rush hour. I've never witnessed P.M. rush hour because I came home late. The QEW in St. Kitts is getting widened to 3 lanes throughout the city and that should help a bit. I think that some viable rail transit would help except that the transit systems in the smaller cities aren't built like ours. I don't think that the Mid Pen highway is the solution however. And those people who say the Linc is sufficient need to drive it during rush hour. If people would stop using it as a way to go from one exit to the next, it would get better. It's a highway, not another city street. Use Rymal, Stonechurch, Mohawk or Fennell. Relieving congestion on area highways will mean that people who are travelling thru, out or or around Hamilton will choose the highways over downtown streets.

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