Comment 121106

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted April 05, 2017 at 22:27:06 in reply to Comment 121102

I can't see how anyone could go downtown and make the claim that we don't need any development.

City council has raised our taxes, cut services and fired staff (and have stated that they will repeat this next year) and yet there is no need to widen our tax base?

The term 'gentrification' is thrown around far too liberally these days. The hard truth is that the lower city is too heavily skewed to lower income residents. This situation does no one any good. You need pockets of people with some disposable income. Without them a neighbourhood loses its vibrancy. Without people that have the ability to go out for lunch or to a shop or a show, spending their money, there will be nothing but shuttered storefronts and derelict streetscapes. Yes, some lower income people will be pushed out. Life isn't fair - to anyone. But, with a good mix of residents low / mid / high income life would be far more enjoyable for those who remain.

One other thing - you don't have to like Darko Vranich.

Comment edited by ergopepsi on 2017-04-05 22:28:47

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