Comment 121105

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted April 05, 2017 at 22:12:10 in reply to Comment 121104

So, this is the sixth or seventh - kinda lost count - time you've mentioned the bike lanes being removed without including the fact that alternative lanes are being studied. The bike lanes will be replaced.

You've also mentioned numerous times that the cost to run it haven't been determined after being informed over and over that no one will know until the operating agreement is signed. That's how it works. If council doesn't like the agreement they won't vote for it.

You've also left out the fact that 80% of the cost will be put towards much needed infrastructure replacement. That solves a few problems.

Also, someone might want to correct me but I believe Aberdeen is overbuilt as it is? It's only 1.5km long, 4 lanes, and almost always empty except for rush hour. Will a 60% increase in traffic create any huge issue there? Clr Johnson said he is putting the road diet on hold (yes they were going to do that because the road is currently under utilized) due to the expected increase in traffic.

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