Comment 121104

By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted April 05, 2017 at 20:58:19

The real issue is that LRT advocates can't provide any facts and figures including the cost to operate the LRT. Let alone who pays. And what of declining HSR ridership? Isn't that a fact? It's straight from the HSR. Here's another figure: 60% increase of traffic on Aberdeen. Is that also not true? Honestly, your article is just rude and ignorant. If the views don't agree with yours then it's FUD. Sure dude. Whatever you say. You know because you're right and anyone with another opinion is fearmongering and wrong. I'm a young Hamilton professional too. Pedestrian and cyclist. Don't have a license. I've used the HSR all my life. I can't for the life of me determine what problem the LRT solves. There certainly isn't a billion dollar +yearly operation cost -HSR revenues problem. Is it a problem of capacity? HSR ridership is down. Is it a problem of pollution? Then why widen car lanes on Dundurn and remove bike lanes? Is it a problem of ... I'm fresh out of ideas. What is the problem? The only problem LRT solves is providing excess capacity at a greater cost with ugly overhead wires to boot. LRT solves that trifecta perfectly.

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