Comment 121055

By ImprovingTomorrow (registered) | Posted April 03, 2017 at 18:57:39 in reply to Comment 121049

As far as "I'm in favour of LRT, just not this LRT, we need to be frank as adults that this LRT is the one that is on the table. It's not a back of the napkin on the fly project, but the end result of nearly a decade of intensive research and exploration of all possible options. And conveniently, it's also only one part of the enhanced transit network called BLAST, so it's honest to consider it step one of a stairway to a stronger more connected city. We also have the first time ever offer of 100% funding for it, a sweetheart deal that other cities like Kitchener and Ottawa, who have to chip in from their own tax base towards their higher order transit, understandably envy. Hamilton is not in a position to say, at this late date, that we've decided on a different plan that will set us back years. We accept things in Hamilton getting better, or we look a gift horse in the mouth and then spit in the giver's eye. If you're upset that the current plan doesn't go all the way to Eastgate, instead of venting your vitriol on people advocating for improvements, you really ought to be spilling your spleen on Chad Collins, whose opposition to any sort of improved transit is what shortened the plan in the first place. With the plan shovel ready now, to say "Oh, sure, I want an LRT, but not like this" is no different from saying "I understand the complexities of this issue far better than expert research teams that did studies based on all of the relevant data which I don't have access to," which makes you sound no more credible than the people who pretend they understand climate science better than all of the world's climate scientists, and it is very much he same as saying "I want to stop this project, and kill any and all benefits it may bring to Hamilton, at any cost." I'm glad to know plenty of citizens in Hamilton that have bigger hearts and greater optimism and civic investment than that.

Comment edited by ImprovingTomorrow on 2017-04-03 19:01:47

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