Comment 121049

By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted April 03, 2017 at 17:08:10

Nobody is betting against you. The B-Line exists today. In fact, the current B-Line goes all the way to Eastgate. The proposed LRT doesn't. Please explain how putting an existing bus line on rails affects your business in any way. You know what *will* affect your business? The $317 billion provincial debt. The day that interest rates increase will be an economic apocalypse for the province. As a small business owner you should really focus on that. If that doesn't do it for you then how about hydro costs spiraling out of control in part because Ontario sold Hydro One to fund transit projects? Do you use electricity at Wise & Hammer? I know you do. All those fancy computers. One final thought: Bombardier, who builds LRT cars, is in the news because surprise, surprise; they're corrupt. After receiving our tax dollars to give them a hand up what did they do? Why, increase their CEO's compensation of course. This is the company Metrolinx has partnered with. The same company that can't even deliver Toronto's streetcars. FAN-tastic. Real competent crew we've got here to coordinate this $1 billion LRT. Metrolinx is 3 years overdue on delivering a parking garage in Burlington too. Is it any wonder that the people of this City are just itching for a chance to stick a finger in the eye of the government and tell them to stick their "gift?" The whole project is a Ponzi scheme to enrich bureaucrats, developers, government yes men, and CEOs. Dump the LRT. Actually, I'm not even anti-LRT. I'm anti *this* LRT. Put it on Main Street, keep our bike lanes, reduce lanes for car traffic, make it run to Eastgate and maybe we'd talk. As it stands, this is a dog's breakfast and needs to die a quick death.

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