Comment 121018

By kevinlove (registered) | Posted March 28, 2017 at 20:44:52

TOD brings with it many benefits - higher transit use, greater rates of walking and cycling, increased land values, and the chance to express different lifestyle preferences

My lifestyle preference is to live in a car-free neighbourhood. I want my children to be able to safely play in the street. I want to be able to live in a neighbourhood with a high level of social interaction. I want the noise, pollution and danger of cars to be firmly kept away from myself and my family.

There are many, many people who want the same. There are over 10 applicants for every position that opens up on the Toronto Islands' wait list for housing. A list that is over 35 years long.

Right now, all these people in Hamilton are deprived of housing choice. It is time to end that denial of freedom and denial of choice.

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