Comment 120928

By fmurray (registered) | Posted March 15, 2017 at 10:35:53

I agree with Ryan and Joey here. Councillors SHOULD break for lunch for their own health. At my work, we do not schedule meetings over lunch (12-1). If someone did so, they and their department budget would be expected to supply lunch. Therefore, meetings are not scheduled during that time frame. Why are evening council meetings from 5-9? How about 4-6 with a break, then 7-9. The 5-9 time is not convenient for people who work to attend council meetings either.

The availability of meals during meeting times may be correlated with the filibusters and lack of respect for time that some councillors display.

We shouldn't nickle-and-dime the budget, but I think the entitlement to a constant flow of free food is a bad practice.

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