Comment 120900

By JoeyColeman (registered) - website | Posted March 13, 2017 at 10:03:05

Hamilton's the only full-time Council in Ontario that I could find with free lunches.

Other municipalities break for lunch - they also tend to start on time.

In Toronto, there is a 90-minute break for lunches each day. During this time, Councillors are able to meet with their staff, arrange the affairs of their office, and attend to any urgent matters without missing portions of meetings.

The result is Councillors in Toronto return to their Council meetings on time and remain present; instead of losing quorum as regularly happens in Hamilton.

There's another advantage to Toronto's structure: citizen delegations are schedule for either the morning or afternoon, and Councillors pay attention to those delegates because they are not going in and of their lounge to eat and snack during the meeting.

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