Comment 120816

By ergopepsi (registered) | Posted February 21, 2017 at 14:35:03

Pure speculation, but could it be that council got wind in some way from Metrolinx that the Bay stop was a non-starter? This vote wasn't to add the stop - it was to ask Metrolinx to take a look at the possibility of adding the stop. They may have known from the beginning that Metrolinx was going to say no. They have already added a stop at Gage Park and re-jigged a fairly major component (James spur) so it seems reasonable that at this point they would want to clamp down on the scope.

The vote, then, would have been mostly political theatre. Whitehead's vote cast him as a balanced and fair actor, the pro's let their base know that they're still supportive and the cons let their base know that they're still fighting the deal. Some of the councilors who voted 'No' on this motion may be simply building a bit of capitol so they can vote objectively on the environmental assessment. If our council was this nuanced I'd be impressed! Maybe there's more going on under the hood than we thought :)

Comment edited by ergopepsi on 2017-02-21 14:35:36

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