Comment 120646

By StephenBarath (registered) | Posted January 31, 2017 at 15:42:35

I watched the video. I see a citizen taking the brave step of going down to City Hall, taking himself out of his element, to speak about his neighbourhood and community. And a professional politician who is good at talking at meetings (because that's what a lot of his job is), in a position of authority at a meeting, using his power not to explain his position but to bully a citizen who has taken the time to participate. I don't think he thought Mr. Andrus was being "disingenuous" at all. I don't think any reasonable person would guess that Mr. Andrus was trying to "shift the narrative."

Whitehead's point about the Queenston circle not being a great hub is a good one. But the "nowhere" comment was unfortunate. I'm sure a two-second explanation that he did not mean to offend with his less-than-ideal wording choice would have been more useful than what he did say.

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