Comment 120640

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted January 31, 2017 at 10:44:43

Another definition of "nowhere" in the context of this LRT debate is, a place I don't personally need to go to very often or a place I don't think of as important because it has nothing or anyone, I am personally interested in. It has no place I consider important and no one I know living near it that I want to see on a regular basis. A place I don't have any emotional or personal connection to, or plan to have in the near future. Unfortunately, rural residents, suburbanites and urbanites, my self included, are guilty of these feelings from time to time. Its troubling though when you see city council members spout these types of opinions on a near consistent basis.

This is why I have always felt that a really good rapid transit system and its associated operating technology, LRT included, is a way to get too not only better transport options but a means to end, to create places that are not described as "nowhere" and that almost everyone will care about!

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