Comment 120464

By Deleted User (anonymous) | Posted November 26, 2016 at 09:08:31 in reply to Comment 120463

The world has woken up to the fact that corporations shouldn't benefit from public infrastructure without paying their fair share. Corporations love to use our roads, our electrical grids, our healthcare benefits, our transit systems, our water, our tax dollars in the form of public bailouts and corporate welfare and then turn around and ask for and pay the lowest corporate taxes in any jurisdiction. Why don't the corps step up and start paying for the educated work force and public transit that they say they so desperately need? Why should my taxes pay to help them get slightly richer when there are people who can't afford to keep the lights on? These companies are asking us, the people, to spend money to funnel more customers straight to their doors. Yeah. No thanks. Not interested in their input or "advice".

Comment edited by JimC on 2016-11-26 09:19:42

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