Comment 120400

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted November 03, 2016 at 16:35:16

Everybody keep in mind, the Toronto agreement will have local costs and most likely will cause a small increase in property taxes for the City of Toronto residents however, they are getting over $7 Billion in provincial spending for desperately needed rapid transit lines that will move a hell of a lot of people. This is on top of another $8 Billion in currently funded transit projects in just the City of Toronto alone. Part of that $7 Billion agreement will fund not only a significant portion of the GO Regional Express Rail System Track mileage located inside the City of Toronto but provide the provincial portion of the Smart Track Rapid Transit Surface Subway Line through Toronto and build more LRT line extensions. The entire cost of the GO RER system which is slated somewhere around $13.5 Billion, will help everyone in the Greater Golden Horseshoe and its nearly 10 million residents (The official name of GO Transit's Operating Region). Investing in this type of infrastructure by applying local property taxes to them, will have big payoffs in the long run. If you want proof of how much development even a simple LRT line can spur you only have to look at Kitchener-Waterloo and its Ion Line for the answer. Yes, an LRT line by itself can't spur tremendous growth but it's slowly becoming a major component in that area's growth, especially in downtown Kitchener and Uptown Waterloo.

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