Comment 120392

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted November 01, 2016 at 09:33:01 in reply to Comment 120391

Context: TheStar article

It is a proposed agreement that both Toronto and Ontario are mutually agreeing on, with trust of each other,

Hamilton has more economic uplift potential along our corridor, so the rising property taxes (of which I am affected, but still willing to pony up) may nullify the need for further raises in our case. The ecdev benefit margin is much bigger. It is also Hamilton's first true rapid transit corridor (bus lanes and shared-streetcar lanes nonwithstanding). As an up-and-coming personal user of the LRT.

Even so, I'm willing to accept 3% along the TOD regions and surrounding spine residences -- as long as solutions come upmfor affordable/inclusive housing and low-income options are integrated too, in the impending densification that is primed to occur with the LRT.

The article, can be read multiple ways of mild concern versus alarm/panic concern --

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