Comment 120244

By Missy2013 (registered) - website | Posted October 07, 2016 at 15:01:34

Great coverage, thanks to all for making this available.

Three thoughts:

  1. Mayor Eisenberger makes a good point about the lapse of having smaller one-bedroom apartments in private dwellings. This is much more common in Toronto and fills an important need for affordable housing. Why hasn't this form of income and housing been cultivated in Hamilton? City resources should 'pitch' home-owners to encourage this, without too much red tape, no?

  2. re: suburbia sprawl & heritage ... Who is responsible for the developmental mess that's happening in Waterdown at the moment? The once-vital downtown core of that 'village' is being swamped by continued additions of box-stores at Clappison's Corners. Everything in the brand new 'residential pockets' off Dundas Street are designed for CAR CULTURE to get them to these new box-stores. Nothing supports affordability, transit, or 'community identity'. It's a mess, 100% devoted to 'consumer culture', not 'community'. Waterdown's former historical 'identity' has disappeared. Now it's just a suburban bedroom community for commuters. Toronto based developers paid a LOT for that farmlands surrounding Waterdown, and one wonders if the subsequent incoming residential taxes are just too sweet for Council then thoughtful growth ...

  3. Instead of morphing rapidly from manufacturing to the 'intelligent' digital economy, a BALANCE needs to be struck that doesn't strictly support an increasingly unsustainable 'capitalist' economy. (see point 2.) More effort, by City and developers, old & new, should be invested into a more sustainable model or 'transitional economy'. See:

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