Comment 120219

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted October 01, 2016 at 16:14:52 in reply to Comment 120214

You should let us know what source your 'simple google search' revealed. You also did not mention that the cost-over-runs mentioned in the article are very small total amounts in a $818 million budget: around $406,000 for gas pipe relocation increased to $1.3 million.

The wikipedia page on Light Rail references points out that costs vary widely, from $15 million to $100 per mile ($9.4 million to $62.5 million per kilometre) and the most expensive systems are expensive because of tunnelling, not because of infrastructure relocation.

Here is a table listing the costs of US LRT systems per mile constructed since 1990: almost all are a small fraction of $100 million per kilometre.

apart from the lines involving tunnelling and elevated sections, they are all under $35 million per km. The $100 million per kilometre is not realistic.

Waterloo's ION system has been costed at $43 million per kilometre, again far less than the $100 million figure.

I guess the $100 million figure you cited is the the un-referenced and unjustified figure form the Toronto Environmental Alliance page, which seems to have just picked a round number.

You can't just pull the first figure you find off the internet, especially if it is un-referenced.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-10-01 16:19:07

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