Comment 120209

By bobby2 (registered) | Posted September 30, 2016 at 16:32:25

Love how some who are Pro about an issue refuse to consider law of probabilities & downsides of an issue? Yes, you do need to list all pros & cons of any huge project & determine if on balance it makes sense. Not going to Eastgate Mall but stopping at Queenston Circle makes no sense. This whole idea seems to surround McMaster as the destiny & it serves mostly visitors to our City while attending University & contributing zero property tax dollars to this project. The whole LRT Line serves a very small portion of Hamilton citizens that are only concentrated in that area. If anyone thinks this white elephant isn't going to cost property tax payers huge amounts for operational & maintenance costs needs to work at Disney Land. Finally, this project is about 9 years away from completion, Wynne will be long gone & who knows who will make decisions about reducing the current project plan and/or what the City has to share in the costs because it's gone so far that it must be completed. An enhanced modern rapid bus project seems so much more viable! And guess what, if ridership demand changes in the future, it can be accommodated. I'm not trying to be against LRT just for the heck of it, I just really believe for Hamilton, it's a train wreck just waiting to happen!

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