Comment 120193

By CareBear (registered) | Posted September 30, 2016 at 11:44:23

This whole situation baffles me. I have regularly used these bike lanes to commute during rush hour between Earl Kitchener school and the downtown core (one of the offices above Jackson Square). I also live in the west downtown and regularly travel along these routes by car. I have never seen any back-log of traffic. Many times during rush hour, I have seen as many bicycles waiting stopped at a light as I have seen cars! I equally find these routes much more friendly to use as a driver. The traffic moves at an appropriate speed for the neighbourhood and feel safer and more user-friendly. Have the people who claim to have issue with the routes even used them since the new lanes were installed? The only backlog I have seen in the neighbourhood as a whole, has been in trying to get down the Queen Street hill which was significantly backed up with traffic trying to cut through to the highway (i.e. going in the opposite direction of the bike lane routes).

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