Comment 120173

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 29, 2016 at 06:57:40 in reply to Comment 120172

Informal associations are allowed, but party names cannot appear on the ballot and candidates cannot pool financial resources and fundraising.

In other words, any party organization is weak and largely invisible to the electors. This is not at all the same situation as at the federal or provincial levels (or in other provinces). In fact, federal and provincial parties are prohibited from advertising or funding candidates at the municipal level.

See this attempt for the NDP to form a Toronto-level associated party for an attempt to form a sort of party at the municipal level:

Since there was no mechanism for parties to register or to operate officially on the municipal level, the NDP operation was largely informal. Local ward associations were set up to nominate candidates in a number of wards, particularly downtown wards, but no party name ever appeared on a ballot - and there was no mechanism for the Metro NDP to accept election donations.

Clearly, if official political parties (sharing resources and fielding a slate of candidates under party names) were allowed in Ontario we would have seen it by now!

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-09-29 06:58:11

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