Comment 120172

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted September 29, 2016 at 01:31:19 in reply to Comment 120152

However, the current municipal situation in Ontario where parties are not allowed...

Kevin's comment: This statement is simply untrue. We have a right to Freedom of Association. We have a constitutional right to form municipal political parties in Ontario and every other province in Canada.

Any group of like-minded people can come together, decide upon a common political platform and present themselves to the municipal voters as a team that will enact their policies if elected.

This is exactly what happened in Toronto, with Rob Ford, Doug Ford and Mike Ford presenting themselves as a team with common political policies. As a result, when Rob Ford got sick, Doug Ford was able to replace him on the mayoral ballot and the voters knew that they were voting for the same style of politics. I don't agree with that style of politics, or the Family Compact nature of their political team, but I do support their right of Freedom of Association.

Indeed, under the banner of Ford Nation they tried to expand the political association to achieve a majority on Toronto City Council, but this effort came to naught.

Comment edited by KevinLove on 2016-09-29 01:41:21

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