Comment 120155

By LeeEdwardMcIlmoyle (registered) - website | Posted September 28, 2016 at 09:20:47

I'm not 100% convinced party lines would ameliorate that issue, but I DO agree that we need to get people voting on the issues instead of on name recognition alone. The loudest, most ever present public personage is rarely if ever the best person for making hard decisions about how to allocate and facilitate public spending. We've been inculcated in the cult of celebrity to such a degree, we can't imagine anyone being famous unless they know something we don't. On the face of it, it's obviously a fallacy, but we do it anyway, because looking deeper and keeping a scorecard is hard work that most of us aren't trained to do easily or well. Even smart people get it wrong with alarming frequency.

I'm a staunch believer in democracy, the more direct, the better. But we aren't leveraging our society's inherent engagement practices properly, so we're missing out on golden opportunities to really get the engagement we need to get better representation. We need to deliver infographic stories and videos to everyone within reach, so they can be informed without being overwhelmed by data and jargon they're ill equipped to handle. Engagement 101: Go where the people are, and talk to them in their language.

Comment edited by LeeEdwardMcIlmoyle on 2016-09-28 09:21:17

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