Comment 120152

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 28, 2016 at 09:02:23 in reply to Comment 120150

I am strongly against setting any minimum formal qualifications for running for elected office.

However, the current municipal situation in Ontario where parties are not allowed (unlike BC) means that candidates win primarily on name recognition and incumbents are almost always re-elected for the same reason.

Moving to a system where candidates could compete on knowledge, platform and ability (and maybe even some specific relevant experience), rather than simple name recognition, would be much better than the current system. Many recent winners won primarily because they were local media personalities.

Having political parties, with a clear consistent platform, would also make it easier for people to vote based on the issues rather than pure personality. They would also know that a group of councillors would work together for the good of the city as a whole, rather than focus on parochial issues (or, bizarrely, focus on attacking the initiatives in other wards to play to the prejudices of their own ward, as is increasingly happening).

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