Comment 120148

By JasonL (registered) | Posted September 28, 2016 at 08:05:48

I used to believe that any joe blow should be able to run for city council, but I've come full circle having watched what happens when those with zero expertise, training or education start to interfere with expert plans and monumental city-building projects.

Not sure what an appropriate minimum standard should be for a city councillor, but one only needs to look at the quality of ideas and initiative we grew accustomed too from Brian McHattie with his Masters degree in Planning vs. councillors whose previous life experience was working at movie rental stores, playing minor hockey in Northern Ontario and reading teleprompters.

yes, I know the response will be that we'll miss out on some good grassroots community builders, but the damage potentially being done by the councillors with the least amount of education, experience and qualifications to be overseeing a billion dollar corporation is too large a risk to take.

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