Comment 120140

By RobF (registered) | Posted September 26, 2016 at 20:24:08

They aim to fan the flames of divisiveness to inject their otherwise vacant political careers with some type of purpose that serves their needs but not our city's and the people who live here. Look south of the border to see how that's working on a national scale.

Dialogue and civic discourse is no match for shameless demagoguery if most people aren't informed and engaged on key issues. We greatly overestimate the power of the better argument (and facts) and vastly underestimate social capital and emotive responses in politics ... the line connecting Rob Ford and Donald Trump is a kind of populism that is built around resentment and mistrust, and ultimately fear: of change, of elites, of the other, of the unknown and uncontrollable.

Comment edited by RobF on 2016-09-26 20:26:11

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