Comment 120051

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted September 17, 2016 at 13:33:56

I agree one thing though, the real problem with your stadium is that there was never a region wide study done on the best location for a new stadium before site planning and design engineering had already begun. Thus not every politician had the ability to say that yes, this is the best spot and so arguments over location by city officials fueled public controversy over the issue. We had the same problem here in Ottawa with the redevelopment of Lansdowne Park and the Stadium (TD Place). While the debate raged on about the park and the essential privatization of public space, a city of Ottawa study on the best location for a stadium came out. Turns out the Landowne Park location was only the 6th best! This fueled even more debate. People are still debating the issues and the whole place has been more or less operating for about a year and a half now!

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