Comment 120049

By Haveacow (registered) | Posted September 17, 2016 at 13:01:51

Any project like this will have an extended period of construction that will always keep someone away. I fully understand the problem faced by all businesses in this situation. There very real fear is very much understood. Even disturbing one slab of the sidewalk near their store is the possible first nail in their business's coffin. It comes down to how you view change. If you see change as an opportunity then LRT is not a insurmountable problem/issue. If you view change with dread and suspicion then the problems/issues with LRT are very possibly the end of your particular model of how you see the world and by association your business. Perhaps it has never occurred to the owners of this particular big and tall clothing store (indeed a very specialized business) that, potential new customers could come with the opening of the B Line LRT, will now actually be able to access their store for the first time. Whereas before without the LRT, these customers may not have had regular access to a car or a competitor was just easier to get to thus they never went to your store. Any technology that increases access means more customers. In fact, one of the things that rapid transit definitely does and its has been proven in studies for years is that, it helps to increase economic activity in the area of the line without having to add road capacity. For example, the Eaton Centre, the first suburban regional super mall located in a downtown core in North America (built in 1977), could not exist without the Yonge St. subway line and its 2 stations accessing the mall directly and feeding it almost a million customers a week!

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