Comment 120039

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted September 16, 2016 at 15:37:17

It was somewhat surprising to me.

I figured that most opponents of LRT would have a position like:

"I love Hamilton just the way it is. It is already a great place to live, work and have fun. We don't need LRT because things are just fine the way they are."

In fact, the position is more like:

"Hamilton is really messed up and has been declining for many years. I really don't see things getting better. Please don't change a thing!"

The only part of living in Hamilton most LRT opponents seems to really like is the ability to drive through the lower city quickly and without distraction. In other words, that it's an easy place to avoid!

I should emphasize that a lot of LRT supporter are also long term residents, but they are long term residents who see the potential of the city and are not cynical about the possibility of positive change. (Most opponents are long term residents, but most long term residents are not opponents.)

My views are formed by almost nine years of talking to Hamiltonians about LRT, but the profile of what most opponents have in common has only crystallized recently, largely because of the recent emergence of the Gilberts-centred no LRT group in the last few months. Until this year here was no organized or vocal grass roots opposition at all to LRT.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-09-16 15:40:52

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