Comment 120

By adrian (registered) | Posted None at

I have not had a chance to read all of the included articles and essays, but I read this summary article and found it very interesting. I'm not convinced that we face a sudden apocalypse of natural resource disappearance, and it's worth wondering too why a country such as Canada with such huge oil reserves ought to have such high energy prices. That said, there are certainly some advantages to dealing with the reality of our energy usage by being forced to pay for it, and I agree that reducing sprawl is one of them. I also like that you have taken a realistic approach regarding sprawl, you're right, it's here and now we need to deal with it. Demolishing peoples' homes is not the answer. I think what we need is a uniquely Canadian approach to this issue. We can learn from European countries - someone mentioned Holland - but we need to recognize not just differences in our cultures, but also other differences: yes, bikes are popular in Holland, but they don't have winters like we do. I don't know if anyone else here has tried to ride a bike in snow, but I have, and I can tell you it is neither enjoyable nor efficient. I look forward to reading these articles in the future, keep up the great work.

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