Comment 119906

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 30, 2016 at 08:40:07 in reply to Comment 119903

That's very strange: I would have thought that after the first day people (at least those going to the 403/Westdale) would have realized that taking the Linc/403 was a much better choice.

I agree that the City needs to start actually investing in its bus system, especially on the mountain. The A-line is in a vicious circle of low ridership and low frequency. It is ridiculous to promote a once every 30 minutes bus service as some sort of higher order express bus! But, as far as I know, it was really introduced primarily as a subsidy to the cargo companies at the airport, to help their employees get to work, not as a proper express bus service for the City.

They are refusing to increase the ratepayer contribution and relying exclusively on fare increases and provincial funding, which is a losing proposition.

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