Comment 119899

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted August 29, 2016 at 14:33:11 in reply to Comment 119898

I've updated the article with typical travel times at morning rush hour which show that Beckett/Aberdeen is at best a minute or two faster than the Linc/403 from the central West Mountain and is not even a reliable shortcut.

I agree that there would likely be more cars on Aberdeen during September/October when McMaster is in session (the number of people driving to EK on Aberdeen wouldn't have much of an effect), but it is nevertheless striking that there were literally zero cars waiting at the red light on Aberdeen at the morning rush hour ... far less than the previous week.

Recall that when Beckett drive was closed for re-building from June to November 2013 Aberdeen was also empty:

This already showed that almost all the morning rush hour traffic on Aberdeen is from Beckett Drive.

Regarding the effects of LRT, the preliminary traffic study showed a bit of increase in congestion but that was before any attempts to improve traffic flow along Main/King. Also, since almost all the morning rush hour traffic is from the Mountain it is possible that Mountain residents will stop using Aberdeen once it becomes obvious that it really is quicker to take the Linc/403. I'm not sure if that was included in the model.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-08-29 14:36:38

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