Comment 119879

By KevinLove (registered) | Posted August 26, 2016 at 14:18:19

...the street should accommodate local active transportation as well as through traffic

I strongly disagree with this statement. Through traffic in residential areas is only acceptable if it is by walking, cycling or public transit. Cut-through "rat-running" car drivers are never acceptable in residential areas.

Here is a video and description of how rat-running has been systematically eliminated on residential streets in an entire country:

And here is a video showing an example of how to use a ring road, just like our 403/Link/Red Valley/QEW/Burlington Street ring road. The specific part to watch is from 2:00 to 4:00, but the entire video is well worth viewing.

In short, rat-running car drivers have no place on a residential street such as Aberdeen. Rat-running can and should be prevented on this street. The sky will not fall. I promise.

Comment edited by KevinLove on 2016-08-26 14:20:14

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