Comment 119859

By JasonL (registered) | Posted August 25, 2016 at 10:08:22 in reply to Comment 119857

you'd have to ask them that. I'm not too sure how all the prior deals fell apart. I'm simply pointing out that the only new builds that have happened along this stretch of King West in the last decade have been social housing (Strathcona Fire Hall, Good Shepherd King W).
Clean, new market rentals or condos are virtually non-existent in this area. It's either lower $ rentals, affordable homes or a select group of more expensive homes. The largest segment of the city's population from an income perspective has very little housing options here. Vranich is just wrapping up his project at Main/Bay which appears to be market priced, so perhaps we're finally going to see more options in this price point.
I much prefer mixed income communities. Not sure why our suburban communities aren't held to the same scrutiny when it comes to providing housing options for all income levels. These regions downtown have housed almost all of the affordable/social housing in the city for many decades, while all new builds in the suburbs are basically mid/high income communities to the exclusion of all others. Would be great to see Hamilton's housing activists take the message to the areas seeing the majority of housing development.

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