Comment 119713

By The99Percent (registered) | Posted July 11, 2016 at 07:41:46 in reply to Comment 119707

If this is the best set of counterpoints you can come up with, I feel pretty good about my side of the story. The Canadian forces thing is laughable - of course this country will not force you to endure a term of employment where job security is not guaranteed if (in exchange) you are willing to train and potentially fight to defend this country. Much the same as other, less in-demand work in private and public sectors, graduated employment terms are not required. Of course, though, you know this already, and are only nitpicking.

As for the mandate, I knew when I wrote that word that one of you would google the mandate-proper. I wrote that it is the mandate of CROWN CORPS, not of Canada Post specifically - like other businesses, the bottom line is the most important thing - and CP knows this. Look no further than the community mailboxes - they know that they're bottom line is hurting, and judging by your arguments, so do you.

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