Comment 119613

By ref_erendum (registered) | Posted June 29, 2016 at 16:52:58 in reply to Comment 119566

" you will ever get" You forgot to read the entire sentence z jones just like all the LRT supporters they fail to read what's between the lines in this project. 1. there will not be more ridership as seen by all the other LRTs running today at a loss. ( THERE IS FAR MORE LOSING THAN SUSTAINING THEIR RIDERS) 2. Property values are increasing not because of the LRT. 3. Maintenancece and operational costs will be on the backs of Hamilton tax payers as seen in other rapid transit projects. ( LRT supporters want us to believe that Metrolinx will pick up the slack. ( Peter Miasek clearly states the obvious) 3 The LRT travels from a traffic circle to a Childrens Hospital, not really ideal destinations for the 180.000 living in ward 1-4 and only 13 stops as opposed to 51. This LRT services no one but the investors standing to make a profit. Ask any business or resident living on this corridor and they will definitely tell you this is a waste of tax dollars.

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