Comment 119515

By ref_erendum (registered) | Posted June 22, 2016 at 17:18:00 in reply to Comment 119466

Buses can be improved upon but to put back rails that we had before is a waste. To eliminate traffic through the core does not I repeat does not bring people down town. A rider ship of 400 per hour does not warrant wasting this kind of money and the expropriation of property is a waste of our tax dollars hmmm didn't we just buy back Scott Park? Everything mentioned simply gives a fine example of how council and the Mayors off ice is all over the place at least Mayor Victor Copps had a vision for this city. We have only regressed with this council and Mayor ! It's all smoke and mirrors and no real answers to this entire project . PS when there is a big snow fall I guess darts, and emergency vehicles are a non issue .

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