Comment 119514

By ref_erendum (registered) | Posted June 22, 2016 at 17:06:30

A.Cost over runs and there will be is an unnecessary expense when ridership is too low to warrant an LRT. B.Civic spirit has nothing to do with wasting money on a trolley that will create congestion and keep people and cars out of the down town core . C. Climate Change ? What about creating more traffic congestion with this monstrosity bloccking cross traffic and making people drive twice the distance to get out of this town ? You can add all the riders you want to this LRT but the passengers just ain't there and they won't be with the core population in Hamilton @ 180,000 in ward 1-5 We lost people in Hamilton until they amalgamated the surrounding cities. 400 per hour ridership will not magically multiply to sustain this system. Yes there is growth but not in the core where Metrolinx expects their riders . We collected money from development and the city can't come up with a good reason where 1 bllion dollars in permit money was spent . Sorry the LRT is all smoke and mirrors If you don't have a billion you won't miss it

Comment edited by ref_erendum on 2016-06-22 17:08:43

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