Comment 119509

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted June 22, 2016 at 11:46:06 in reply to Comment 119508

Yes, subways are far too expensive mostly due to tunnelling and much higher capacity. I believe that subways are also more expensive to run, but I don't have the actual data on that.

TTC estimates subways at about $300 million per kilometre, Hamilton's LRT is roughly $75 million per kilometre or four times less.

It is also arguable that surface LRT better integrates with an urban environment (riders actually see their city and residents see people travelling in the LRT vehicles).

But the primary arguments are cost and need for much higher ridership to justify the cost. That's why modern LRT has become the first choice for mid-size cities and even outside the central core in large cities. For example, Bordeaux had wanted a subway for many years but eventually choice LRT and I think everyone there now agrees that was the right choice.

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