Comment 119499

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted June 21, 2016 at 13:23:13 in reply to Comment 119497

If significant new information arises then it is perfectly reasonable to change one's mind based on the new information. But to change one's mind when nothing significantly new has come up is not reasonable. You can't keep going back on decisions, second guessing yourself, years later especially when the City is partnering with other levels of government (and is not even paying the bill!).

If Terry didn't accept the justification for the King alignment back in 2009 or 2010 or 2013 he should have said so then before the decision was made.

There is also the point that it is a huge waste of time and resources to have staff and Metrolinx work and spend millions of dollars on a certain design and then belatedly come back and say "I no longer understand why we're doing this". This is just chaotic and wasteful and doesn't lead to good decision making.

The same thing happened with the stadium when the city spent years acquiring land and planning the West Harbour site, only to panic and lurch from one back of the napkin option to another before finally settling on the Ivor Wynne site that no one really liked.

City staff are the ones who are paid to provide unbiased independent advice and that's exactly what they did. Metrolinx, who clearly don't have any interest in whether LRT runs on Main or King except that they want a successful project, accepted the analysis of city staff.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2016-06-21 13:25:09

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