Comment 119488

By Farts_Mcgee (registered) | Posted June 21, 2016 at 09:16:59

Free Hamilton is in a different province from Ontario. Being fiscally responsible to some citizen stretches beyond our city. Basically, the province is your Parent with a maxed out credit card and who cares if shes in a financial crisis, shes still buying us stuff. Who cares? It's not our money. But it is our money.

So the real argument is, if we don't ask for the money they are just going to give it to someone else. And I am not saying I am PRO or ANTI LRT, but I will say I can most certainly see the argument for not spending provincial money when we CLEARLY don't have any to spend. MAYBE The consequences of a bankrupted province or close to is has way worse implications? Can we at least talk about that point?

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