Comment 119487

By RobF (registered) | Posted June 21, 2016 at 09:08:48 in reply to Comment 119485

Really I think the anti-LRT position is about another sort of denial: the future and any serious talk about aligning our vision for it with practical changes and investments to achieve it. The common denominator is a belief that everything is working beautifully in Hamilton and we should leave things as they are.

Those of us who imagine that having more people living in the core of the city are confronted with certain realities, like if we don't provide better transit (reliable, convenient, attractive) and cycling infrastructure then we need to provide parking and road space for the cars that will be needed to move people around.

For them, Hamilton is great because you can get around town in 20 minutes and parking is plentiful and cheap downtown (they'd prefer free). Ask them what's wrong with Hamilton and its the roads and sewers are falling apart and we're spending a billion dollars on a train thru and to nowhere. And don't get them started on spending for "complete streets" in Wards 1&2 ... waste of money, don't these LRTers know "there's no there, there" anymore ... real growth will happen in Broadacres City (off the next highway to nowhere).

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