Comment 119233

By Landsdale_Layabout (registered) | Posted June 10, 2016 at 08:25:10 in reply to Comment 119158

To be reasonable, 600m at a relatively leisurely walking pace of 4 km/hr is a 9min walk meaning that the furthest location is ~4.5min from either end station. If you consider that it would probably take at least 1 min added time for the train to slow down, disembark, load new passengers then get back up to speed (which I think is reasonable) then the person using the added station has only gained at best 4.5 min (if they have to walk no further and the train drops them off at the door of their destination) while everyone else on the train has lost 1 min.

While in some special cases this may be beneficial(I actually agree with the argument for a station at the IV if it were done right) I don't think it would work for the James St arm. In places like James N, there are no specific 'destinations' as most of the commercial corridor part is relatively evenly distributed and the further N residential areas are fairly even in density I think that adding stations would actually detract from the service as a whole. Of course it's better to be a business right across from the station than one smack in the middle of two, but someone has to be there so that's the way the cookie crumbles. Actually placing the stations requires careful planning and optimization, but I think at 600 m we are at the point of (or past the point of) diminishing returns.

Comment edited by Landsdale_Layabout on 2016-06-10 08:27:57

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