Comment 119145

By mkuplens (registered) - website | Posted June 08, 2016 at 08:25:02 in reply to Comment 119144

There's a difference between public consultation about the details of design, station placement, etc. and changing the road that the system might run on – it's a completely different set of underground infrastructure that would have to be remapped, route design that would have to be redone from scratch to take the new road into account, and lots more.

That is not at all quick and easy work – getting the King Street route to the point we're at today has taken several years and millions of dollars in expenses. A route change (to Main Street) resets the clock on all of that and, as has been noted, would put the whole project in jeopardy as the procurement phase would be dependent on the results of the next provincial election. Not to mention we'd be out of a pocket a whole lot of money spent compensating the province for money spent to date.

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