Comment 119014

By Ben Babcock (anonymous) | Posted June 02, 2016 at 14:04:40

I'm posting this here because I have been asked to:

** The residents of the residential street opposite the rail trail are opposed to people using the former Mini-putt course.

They have expressed concerns over property damage, safety, and natural restoration.**

Accordingly we have cancelled the 100in1 Day event, called 'Self-serve Mini-Putt in the historic Stinson Forest' on the 100in1 Day website.

Apparently there exists an Escarpment Rail Trail Master Plan that seeks to keep people on the paved trail and out of the green areas. (This must be a very old plan)

There have been instances of people driving golf balls at people's homes and the neighbours are of the belief that limiting access to the area is part of the solution.

I think this is a shame because this is after all publicly-owned Open Space, and to the best of my knowledge there is no tax-supported maintenance budget for the area.

I would like to repeat out that our intent in promoting the use of the historic site was to reduce this kind of activity and invite families and others to help keep the area free of garbage throughout the year.

I have apologized to the residents for not asking their permission first but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the whole matter.

Please note that despite this cancellation, Surprise!Hamilton will still be treating residents to a repeat of last year's 'Fireflies in the Night event, at 8:30pm - 11:00pm Saturday June 4th, *ON* the rail trail itself. We hope to see you there!

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