Comment 118818

By mdrejhon (registered) - website | Posted May 26, 2016 at 12:16:12 in reply to Comment 118814

My opinion is that the city will have a better choice/selection of developers and can be more discerning.

There needs to be a solid base of improvements before that happens. While I strongly advocate for things like mixed income developments and not leaving the poor behind -- I also understand the balance needed of reaching the needed critical mass before being able to fully stop incentivizing developers. The situation is getting better piecemeal, and more needs to be done. (e.g. the waterfront development is being sold off in 3 phases -- the 1st phase is sold cheap but the 2nd and 3rd won't).

"LRT will NOT revitalize Hamilton."

You might be surprised to hear that I agree: It can't revitalize Hamilton by itself alone.

But the LRT is a very important component of many that will help hugely in help set the city in the correct direction.

Yes, the city need to also simultaneously work on many concurrent initiatives. Low income housing included. Even now, the LRT design is already much better than Edmonton's which often has been the source of derison. Simultaneously, you can look at Kitchener-Waterloo to see examples of many concurrent initiatives they are doing alongside the LRT, including in the housing department as well (problems aside, they are working on this better than Hamilton).

Comment edited by mdrejhon on 2016-05-26 12:22:39

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