Comment 118768

By Suburbanite (anonymous) | Posted May 25, 2016 at 10:34:54

Can someone please clarify the ridership numbers along the B-line? One councillor is consistently tweeting out that to support LRT, the ridership needs to be a minimum of 7,000 rides per day and that we're not even over 2,000. Yet, when I read the Feasibility Report prepared in 2013, the b-line only annual ridership was 1.3 million boardings (3,500/day) , plus another 2.2 million in transfers (from King, Del & SC Central) = 3.5 million / 365 days = 9,589 / day. On top of that, the whole Bline corridor is 9.2 million in annual ridership so it would be reasonable to predict some of those additional 5.7 million trips might also opt for a LRT alternative. Regardless, the Feasibility Report confirms we're well over the 2,000 rides being communicated to the public. Is the report wrong?

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