Comment 118750

By BeenThereDoneThat (anonymous) | Posted May 24, 2016 at 09:54:01

So I lived in Toronto for just over a decade. I used to use St.Clair street back in the day as a quick means of travelling across the city without having to go way out of my way to get to a highway. Then they put in the LRT exactly as they are proposing in Hamilton. A major 4 lane artery was reduced to 2 lanes, parking became a huge(er) issue and St.Clair became the street to avoid if you are driving. I think this is going to cause way more headaches than it will solve. If it goes the way of St.Clair street then you will be looking at major traffic congestion on Main and streets that weren't so busy will take over the traffic that main used to have. Putting in LRT will not magically make everyone stop driving. Not sure what the answer is here I just know from my own experiences the headaches that reducing the capacity of a heavily used street can cause a city.

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